Cynarin Help an Ailing Liver

  The prevalence of chronic liver disease is staggering. Affecting an increasing number of Americans, many with chronic liver disease cannot be cured by modern medicine. Instead, they must incorporate liver-focused lifestyle changes into their everyday routine to protect their liver from further damage. Diet and exercise regimens typically top the list of essential liver wellness practices. Eating meals abundant in vegetables tops most health-oriented nutrition programs. However, few veggies are as potent as the artichoke in helping an ailing liver.  As published in a 2008 edition of Nutrition and Cancer, Italian researchers evaluated the liver protective effects of artichoke extract in human liver cell lines. They found artichoke extract to demonstrate a significant antioxidant effect capable of protecting liver cells from damage. In addition, the artichoke extract hindered liver cancer in human liver cells.  As published in the September 2008 edition of Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, researchers investigated whether pre-treatment with Cynarin could protect against liver damage. They found that artichoke extract administered prior to exposure to a known liver toxin demonstrates the ability to prevent liver injury.