Benefits of Catuaba Bark Extract

  Research findings have found that catuaba bark contains catuaba contains tannins, alkaloids, fatty resins and aromatic oils. It also possesses certain flavonoids, sesquiterpenes and phytosterols. These elements may help in the fight against cancer. This bark may turn out to be a promising cure to fight cancer. There isn’t enough known about the treatment to determine if it can cure cancer or not.
  A study conducted in 2007, supposedly found that Catuaba Bark Extract does contain epicatechins which are powerful antioxidants that could be used to fight cancer because these particular antioxidants contain anti-cancer and antibacterial properties. More research is needed to confirm the promising findings.Catuaba Bark Extract like so many herbal cures is said to help cure a range of emotional disorders related to stress. It is also recommended to treat insomnia, anxiety disorders, and nervousness. But there just isn’t a lot of information about it works to cure or ease these emotional disorders.
  There is a lot of debate as to whether it will even effectively influence these disorders or not. There were no properties given to say why the bark would help these conditions. There certainly no known studies discovered that would verify these suggestions.