Introduction of 1,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid

The Artichoke acid. Crystals (dilute acetic acid), and sweet. Melting point of 225 227 ℃. Optical rotation of [α] -59 ° (c = 2, methanol). Slightly soluble in cold water, more soluble in boiling water, soluble in glacial acetic acid, alcohols. Exist in the Compositae artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) forest groundsel (Senecio nemorensis L.) whole plant can also be chemically synthesized. Has choleretic, hepatoprotective, cholesterol-lowering effect. For the treatment of various diseases caused by insufficient liver function. Also serve as a cholagogue.Acid artichoke be able to: improve the vitality of the liver to promote rule out the toxins in the liver (such as digestion of proteins of the ammonia) to promote the regeneration of liver cells to increase the secretion of bile France and the digestion of fats (to regulate the body's cholesterol) artichoke contains efficacy of ingredients: flavonoids (Fiavonoid: Luteotin, Cynaosid, Scdymosin, etc.) bitter prime (Sesquiterpenlacton, of which 50% of Cynaropikrin) the efficacy of substances have auxiliary Artichoke acid to protect the liver and promote liver detoxification function. Flavonoids have beneficial physiological effects. Considerable effect on malignant cells. Ease the role of vascular purpura. Eat it artichoke, the efficacy of treatment of chronic hepatitis, reduce cholesterol level and the treatment of indigestion, improve gastrointestinal function, increasing the secretion of bile France and constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stimulating the secretion of bile law, prevent arteriosclerosis and protection efforts function.Read more:1,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid for sale