Variation in the capacity of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acerbic and three quercetin glycosides in leaves and fruits of Rowan (Sorbus) breed and varieties from collections in Lithuania

  Our assay aim was to investigate the quantitative agreement of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, hyperoside and isoquercitrin in leaves and bake-apple of alien rowan plants to Lithuania application a HPLC method. In blade and bake-apple samples, quantitative admiration of neochlorogenic acerbic (in blade samples 1.11-11.49 mg/g, in bake-apple samples 0.93-5.43 mg/g), chlorogenic acerbic (in blade samples 2.74-21.91 mg/g, in bake-apple samples 0.55-7.50 mg/g), rutin (in blade samples 0.03-4.88 mg/g, in bake-apple samples 0.02-0.39 mg/g), hyperoside (in blade samples 0.15-7.44 mg/g, in bake-apple samples 0.02-1.19 mg/g) and isoquercitrin (in blade samples 0.75-5.24 mg/g, in bake-apple samples 0.02-0.65 mg/g) was performed. In blade samples, the absolute agreeable of articular phenolic compounds ranged from 7.18 to 35.74 mg/g.  In fruit, raw actual absolute agreeable of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acerbic and articular flavonoids assorted from 2.24 to 11.19 mg/g.  Comparison of raw actual samples of Sorbus breed according to their quantitative agreement of articular phenolic compounds application array assay singularized S. commixta blade and bake-apple samples. These independent the accomplished capacity of chlorogenic acid, hyperoside and isoquercitrin, but aswell the everyman capacity of neochlorogenic acerbic and rutin. The accomplished capacity of neochlorogenic acerbic were recorded for S. lancifolia leaves, and of rutin for S. anglica leaves.